Sunday, February 21, 2016


I have been thinking alot about a few things recently.  Elder Lawrence from the Seventy came to our church two weeks ago and spoke about a few things.  When I reread his talk from conference, which was "what lack I yet", the same impression of what I need to fix coincided with what my wife told me and what my boss told me... :)  I need to listen more intently and my wife adds, listen with the same energy as the person communicating....I need to speak kind words at all times, especially get to know and actively seek to develop relationships with those I meet...I need to more effectively give the background of the subject before I communicate the principle.  This could take years but I think with time and prayer and study I can be much more successful in my mission here in this life.

Heidi mentioned something that I thought was interesting.  She mentioned that one of the reasons that taking care of our children is so taxing is that they are high emotional.  This of course is one of the things I fell in love with Heidi, that she had a personality, and loved and served others.  Miles, Carter, and Halley are all emotionally demanding individuals.  Satisfying their needs often involves more than simply the physical needs but showing you care at their level.  Definitely draining but worth it whenever, you see that they care. 

Our solar panels are up on our house now and functioning.  For Valentines Day I purchased a $20 ice shaver for Heidi.  She said she usually goes through about 8 cups a day.  That's when you know ,your present was a success.  Apparently, people with low iron crave ice for some reason.  That is her. 

I have made the observation more than once that Mom and Dad didn't really invite people over to our house growing up except for choir practice.  I feel somewhat in that same pair of shoes.  We have a few of Heidi's friends that come over from time to time but really we are in survival mode a lot of the time.  Taking care of the kids and getting things done on our massive to do list really doesn't leave time for many things.

I have thought recently after looking at several pictures of us growing up why all of us kids turned out all right. Even though Mom had to make the bittersweet decision to go back to work, much can be said about what she did during those 14 years with kids before that happened.  You can say with all earnestness that our parents helped us keep the Sabbath Day to be holy, Mom helped us to pray, Dad showed love by playing music for us while going to sleep, dressing up for pioneer days, the family home evenings, the family prayers. Those are what held us together.  The spiritual connection that was created by the sealing covenant was strengthened by those spiritual activities such that we as children were able to develop a spiritual refinement at an early age that we could not forget or abandon.  Mom and Dad helped us to feel and appreciate the love of our Savior.  Thanks Mom and Dad.